Picture of Nigel Armitage at work in his leatherworkshop.

Nigel Armitage

Nigel Armitage has been fashioning leather items for over 30 years.

In recent years, Nigel has become so much more than a bespoke maker of handmade leather goods. By sharing his vast knowledge and experience with everyone who wishes to learn, he has inspired a whole new generation of leatherworkers around the world.

Having studied the traditional style of leatherwork for most of his career, he has adjusted many of the difficult to master techniques into a more modern style, making leatherwork more achievable for everyone.

Along with his face to face courses, he has created a large online video resource in the form of ‘Secrets from the Workshop’.

An accomplished author of two books in four languages with a third being planned, he's a credible and respected authority on the subject of leatherwork.

For the last couple of years Nigel has been working closely with George Barnsley and Sons, looking at their knives and tools and improving them for use by the modern day leather crafter.

He also developed new burnishers, which are made by Just Wood in the UK.

His educational videos are highly recommended and can be found on Nigel's video channel 'Secrets from the Workshop'

Secrets of the workshop

Books, knives and tools

Below, you will find his books, a range of George Barnsley knives and tools that have been reworked together with Nigel and the tools he developed with Just Wood.